Thursday, June 25, 2020

DGN Alumni Band 2020 - COVID-19 Update

This is the time of year we would typically post a "registration" page for the DGN Alumni Band, and begin to share details about an upcoming performance at Homecoming. COVID-19 prevents us from moving forward with any performance plans at this time. 

The current focus of District 99 officials is to plan safe and effective instruction for students, beginning in August, in a manner that adheres to current state regulations and guidance from the DuPage County Health Department. It is too early, at this time, to know exactly what this means for the DGN Bands. 

If you would like to put a 'place holder' on your calendar, Homecoming is currently scheduled for Friday, September 25. However, until Illinois reaches Phase 5, a performance of the DGN Alumni Band is highly unlikely. 

Presuming we are unable to stage a gathering for the DGN Alumni Band in 2020, we will most certainly return to organized performances once a vaccine is developed, and Illinois moves to Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois plan. 

We extend our best wishes to all alumni for safety and peace. Check back on this website for future updates. Thank you.